Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Achondroplasia is a disorder of the bone growth that causes the most common type of dwarfism. Achondroplasia is an appearance that can be seen at birth. The symptoms that may be included are: bowed legs, clubbed feet, decreased muscle tone, abnormal hand appearance with spacing between the long and ring fingers, spine curvatures called kyphosis and lordosis, spinal stenosis, prominent forehead, shortened arms and legs, short stature, and a disproportional head to body size difference. Achondroplasia is from a group of disorders called chondrodystrophies or osteochondrodysplasias. Achondroplasia may be inherited as a dominant trait, which basically means that if the child gets the defective gene from one parent, the child will end up with the disorder. Now if one of the parents has achondroplasia, then the infant has a 50 % chance of getting the disorder. Now say both parents have achondroplasia, then the infants chances of getting the disorder increases to 75%. There have been most cases that appear as spontaneous mutations. This basically means that if neither one of the parents have achondroplasia, then they can still possibly give birth to a child with the disorder. Some tests that can be ran include: during pregnancy, a prenatal ultrasound may show excessive fluid surrounding the unborn infant, an examination of the infant after birth can show increased front to back head size, there may be signs of hydrocephalus, which means "water on the brain." Also x-rays of the long bones can show achondroplasia in the newborn infant. For people that wonder about treatments, there are no specific treatments for achondroplasia. Similar abnormalities should be treated when they are causing problems. Examples would be spinal stenosis and spinal cord compression. People that have Achondroplasia normally do not reach 5 feet in height. The intelligence rate is no different from a perosn without this disorder. Infants that have genes from both their parents do not live past a few months. Prospective parents should have genetic counseling as it may be helpful. Prevention is not always possible. You should contact the doctor if you have a family history of this disorder and you plan to have children.

Inc, A.D.A.M. (2010). Achondroplasia. Retrieved from http://health.google.com/health/ref/Anchondroplasia
Elsevier. (2010). Anchondroplasia. Retrieved from http://www.netterimages.com/image/12366.htm

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Chronic Sinusitis

Chronic sinusitis may be caused by an infection, but can also be caused by growths in the sinuses, which are nasal polyps, or a deviated nasal septum. Chronic sinusitis can last more than eight weeks or will just keep coming back. Symptoms for chronic sinusitis include: cough, which may be worse at night, a decrease in the sense of smell and taste, aching in your upper jaw and teeth, pain, tenderness and swelling around your eyes, cheeks, nose, and forehead, nasal obstruction and congestion, and drainage of thick mucus. Other symptoms include: nausea, bad breath, ear pain, sore throat, and fatigue. The causes of chronic sinusitis may include: nasal polyps or tumors, allergic reactions, deviated nasal septum, trauma to the face, respiratory tract infections, allergies such as hay fever, and immune system cells. There can be a blockage of the sinuses that can create a moist environment which makes it easier for an infection to occur. The sinuses then can not drain like normal and causes a thick yellowish or greenish discharge of mucus. The main goals in treating chronic sinusitis include: reduce sinus inflammation, eliminate the underlying cause, keep nasal passages draining, and reduce the amount of sinusitis flare-ups that might occur. Treatments that a doctor will have you try would be: saline nasal spray, nasal corticosteroids, oral or injected corticosteroids, decongestants, over-the-counter pain relievers, and aspirin treatment. Antibiotics would sometimes be necessary sinusitis for a bacterial infection, but chronic sinusitis is usually caused by something other than a bacterial infection and antibiotics will not help. Surgery might also be another option if the other treatments are not working at all. The tests and diagnosis that can be done for chronic sinusitis would be: nasal endoscopy, imaging studies, nasal and sinus cultures, and an allergy test. The preventions for chronic sinusitis may include: avoid upper respiratory infections, carefully manage your allergies, avoid cigarette smoke and polluted air, and also use a humidifier.
Chronic Sinusitis. Retrieved October 11, 2008 from http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/chronic-sinusitis/DS00232
Rover, Elena. (January 2009). Chronic Sinusitis. Retrieved from www.rd.com/.../article109139.html